

YEAPHI 800W 1000W 36V 48V 3000rpm brushless DC blade motor controller

YEAPHI 800W 1000W 36V 48Vbrushless DC blade motor controllerke moetsi oa motlakase oa tlhahiso ea lilemo tse fetang 4. Ke lihlahisoa tse holileng tse nang le theknoloji e phethahetseng mme li fetisitse netefatso ea 'maraka. E sebelisetsoa ho tsamaea ka mor'a mochine oa mohloa, blower le trimmer, joalo-joalo.
Litšobotsi tse ka sehloohong tsabrushless DC blade motor controller:
►Mosebelisi oa ho itlhahloba oa sistimi.
► Ho fokotsa maikutlo a matla.
►Brake, cruise, sebopeho sa khetho ea lebelo la gear e meraro.
►IP65 Sehokelo se kopaneng se sa keneleng metsi.
►PWM port port.
► Boemo ba ho sebetsa ba LED, pontšo ea boemo ba ho hloleha.
► Moralo oa sebopeho se tšesaane haholo, se bonolo ho se kenya koloing eohle

2). Mekhahlelo ea motlakase eabrushless DC blade motor controller:
► E lekantsoe matla: 40V
►Hona joale:: 25A
►matla a motlakase:14.5±0.5V(DC); 5.0±0.2V(DC); 3.3±0.1V
►Boleng ba motlakase o ka tlase: <39±1V:
►Boleng ba matla a ho feta:> 58±2V
► Tšireletso ea mocheso o feteletseng: 85±3℃
3). Boiphihlelo bo bonolo ba ts'ebetso-Taolo ea torque e otlolohileng, qalo e boreleli, ts'ebetso e ntle ea ho potlakisa, haholo-holo karolong e bohareng le e lebelo le phahameng, e ts'oanang le ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso ea sethuthuthu sa mafura.
4) .Ultra-low lerata-Vector controlled sinusoidal current output, motor output torque e boreleli, e thibela ka ho feletseng ho feto-fetoha ha motlakase ho bakoang ke lerata le tlaase la maqhubu.
5) Ts'ireletso e phethahetseng ea ts'ireletso eabrushless DC blade motor controller:
►Kahlolo ea bots'epehi ba matšoao (lets'oao la sebopeho sa motor, lets'oao la taolo, joalo-joalo);
►Over hona joale, over and under voltage, over the temperatures protection;
►Fana ka sebopeho sa taolo ea mocheso oa enjene


Nako ea poso: Jun-06-2023